Monday, September 15, 2008

What is New Media!?!?!

To me, New Media is technology and ideas that help link a massive amount of people together or spread information over a widespread area rapidly. The Internet is an obvious example, but more specific websites such as Facebook, YouTube, and Myspace are prime examples of social-networking tools that connect people worldwide. Examples of old media would be things such as newspaper publications that spread information only in the city or town that they are based in. 

My Term Project

For my term project, I am going to be looking at the effect of New Media on the marketing of modern music. New media such as blogs, P2P file sharing, and Myspace have affected how record labels and artists think of new methods and plans to get their music and art out to as many people as possible. I will probably be discussing examples such as Radioheads decision to release their last album "In Rainbows" over the internet for as much as the buyer wanted to pay for it. Another example could be the recent video for Weezer's "Pork and Beans", which showcases a number of YouTube "celebrities" goofing around with the band.